Why You Should Get Your Gutters Cleaned Before Winter

cleaning up leaves in gutters

Most people think spring, summer, and fall are the only seasons for gutter cleaning. While cleaning your gutters during these seasons is important, homeowners should still pay attention to their gutter system in the winter. Want to know why? Keep reading to find out why cleaning your gutters during winter is necessary.

Benefits of Preparing for Winter

You’re probably already prepping your wardrobe for winter. Whether you’re bringing out the big coats or buying new boots, you always make sure your closet is winter-ready before the first snowflake falls. The same goes for your gutters. Preparing your gutters for winter not only keeps them looking great, but also ensures they remain free from ice dams, pests, and floods. 

Here’s what a winter gutter cleaning can help prevent:

Preventing Ice Dams

There’s nothing more picturesque than icicles delicately hanging off the edge of your roof. Even though icicles make for a great photo-op, they’re part of what’s known as an ice dam. Gutter ice dams prevent snow from melting and draining off your roof, creating major issues around your home.

Prevent Pests

You’re probably wondering how pests can get into your gutters during the dead of winter. Well, we’re here to tell you they can—and they will if your gutters aren’t cleaned out. Clean gutters prevent critters from nesting, including hungry insects and mice.

Prevent Floods

Finally, floods. Floods happen when so much debris is built up in your gutters that water has nowhere to go—so it goes over the edge, spilling right into your yard. Water damage can cause major issues around your property, leading to mold growth and structural problems. 

What Damages Does Frozen Water Can Cause?

Sagging Gutters

Your gutter system can only take so much weight. Frozen water in your gutters weighs a lot, especially when mixed with debris. Ignoring frozen water can lead to a sagging gutter system; and sometimes, your gutter system may completely collapse.

Expensive Repairs

Water expands when frozen. If you have frozen water sitting in your gutters, there’s a chance the metal will start to crack and leak. This leads to costly repairs that could have easily been prevented if you scheduled a regular winter gutter cleaning service. Avoid expensive repairs by cleaning and maintaining your gutters six times a year.

What About Issues Caused by Clogged Gutters?

Roof Damage

Wood and water are two things that don’t go together. Water doesn’t just spill over the edges and onto your yard—it also collects on your roof. This can cause your roof to rot, leading to issues like wet insulation, mold, and mildew. Luckily, you can avoid all of this by cleaning your gutters regularly.

Foundation Cracks

Overflowing water will end up pooling around your home. In the winter, this water can freeze within the soil and expand, eventually cracking your foundation. This is particularly dangerous because foundation cracks can jeopardize the entire structure of your home.

Fascia Damage

If your gutters are sagging or pulling away from your home, your fascia is likely damaged too. Water can cause the fascia to rot, causing a whole new slew of problems like mold and mildew. Leave no chance of winter gutter damage, and clean your gutters with Winston’s help.

The Health Hazards of Dirty Gutters

You’ve probably noticed mold and mildew popping up in this article. That’s because mold and mildew can compromise your home and your family’s health. When debris piles up in your gutters, it clogs and becomes saturated with water. Soggy leaves, twigs, and other debris create the ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew growth. 

If you haven’t cleaned your gutters in a while and notice a musty smell accompanied by unusual allergies, you might have a mold problem. By regularly cleaning your gutters, you can keep your home mold-free and allergy-free.

What Causes Ice Dams?

We’ve talked about ice dams, but what causes them? When water enters a clogged gutter system, it will continue to freeze on top of leaves and debris. This backup of frozen water is what forms ice dams. If left alone, ice dams can tear your gutter system off your roof. Protect your home from ice dams by contacting Winston’s Gutter Service today.

How to Avoid Ice Dams

Avoiding ice dams is easy. All you need to do is schedule a gutter cleaning with Winston’s Gutter Service. We urge all homeowners to let our expert technicians handle gutter cleaning. Trying to DIY a gutter cleaning can result in further damage, or worse, damage to yourself. 

If ice dams have been wreaking havoc on your home for a while, you might want to consider roof replacement. Make sure you hire a professional to inspect your roof. If your roof isn’t the problem, ice dams could be caused by heating issues in your attic. Ensure you’re inspecting your attic in addition to your roof.

Why Choose Winston’s Gutter Service

We want the best for our customers. That’s why we offer the best gutter services in Maryland. Homeowners choose us time and time again for our:

  • 24/7 Availability
  • Free Estimates
  • Prompt Appointments
  • Licensed & Insured Technicians
  • 5-Year Workmanship Warranty
  • 15-Year Material Warranty

Prep Your Gutters Before Winter With Winston’s Gutter Service

Don’t let your gutters freeze over this winter. Stay ahead of the cold front by scheduling a gutter cleaning service with Winston’s Gutter Service. We offer superior gutter cleaning, repair, and replacement services in Kensington and surrounding areas. Make Winston’s a part of your winter gutter maintenance routine. Let’s clean your gutters today.